It's Easy to
Become a Supplier
with Fornium Partner
Register, enter your products, your products are available in thousands of stores.
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Start Being a Supplier Now By Filling The Form
Enter name
Enter surname
Enter shop name
Enter company name
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Enter telephone
Enter address
Enter tax number
Select city
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Publish Your Products
on Thousands of Websites
with Fornium Partner
When you own a store, showcase other suppliers' products alongside your own, and earn as you sell.
You add your products.
Let it be sold on the site of thousands of stores.
When you are a store owner, display the products of other products as well as your own products, and you earn when you buy.
  • Ability to sell products in all stores
    Messaging panel with the customer
    XML product/opportunity upload
    Adding a Variant
  • Supplier Application (Android/IOS)
    Order Tracking System
    API product/opportunity upload
    Marketplace Integrations (Optional)
  • Opportunity to participate in product promotion days
    Supplier customer tracking
    Add Product/Opportunity Panel
    Marketplace Integration Training (Optional)
  • Possibility to set seller premium
    Shipping label printing
    E-Commerce Solution Center
    Creating a Custom Category
    Marketplace SEO Service (Optional)
You add your products.
Let it be sold on the site of thousands of stores.
When you are a store owner, display the products of other products as well as your own products, and you earn when you buy.
Ability to sell products in all stores
Messaging panel with the customer
XML product/opportunity upload
Adding a Variant
Supplier Application (Android/IOS)
Order Tracking System
API product/opportunity upload
Marketplace Integrations (Optional)
Opportunity to participate in product promotion days
Supplier customer tracking
Add Product/Opportunity Panel
Marketplace Integration Training (Optional)
Possibility to set seller premium
Shipping label printing
E-Commerce Solution Center
Creating a Custom Category
Marketplace SEO Service (Optional)
Product and opportunity combined
You can join Fornium Partner as a free supplier and sell your products, services or city deals. Another distinctive feature of Fornium Partner is that it is not only an e-commerce site where products are sold, but also an opportunity site where you can offer service products.
Let a product be displayed in thousands of stores
When you open an e-commerce store under normal market conditions, your store is the only channel where your products or services will be sold.
Have thousands of sales reps selling your product
Thanks to this feature, you will now have many sales representatives selling your products and services. We call this briefly: “Have a store that has thousands of vendors.” we say
Online trainings and Academy infrastructure
As soon as you start working with Fornium Partner, you get the right to participate in all training and promotional activities held in the online environment free of charge. You can also watch all these event videos on our Youtube channel whenever you want. Apart from this, when you need any information about infrastructure, you can access all documents and videos from the Academy section on your private panel.
Whether it's just your business's store or your business's marketplace
When you own an e-commerce store in Fornium Partner, as a business, you can either only offer your own products and services, or you can turn your store into an e-commerce store with all the products that can be found in the marketplaces. In this way, you can earn income not only from your own sector, but from any sector you want.
Product and opportunity combined
You can join Fornium Partner as a free supplier and sell your products, services or city deals. Another distinctive feature of Fornium Partner is that it is not only an e-commerce site where products are sold, but also an opportunity site where you can offer service products.
Let a product be displayed in thousands of stores
When you open an e-commerce store under normal market conditions, your store is the only channel where your products or services will be sold.
Have thousands of sales reps selling your product
Thanks to this feature, you will now have many sales representatives selling your products and services. We call this briefly: “Have a store that has thousands of vendors.” we say
Online trainings and Academy infrastructure
As soon as you start working with Fornium Partner, you get the right to participate in all training and promotional activities held in the online environment free of charge. You can also watch all these event videos on our Youtube channel whenever you want. Apart from this, when you need any information about infrastructure, you can access all documents and videos from the Academy section on your private panel.
Whether it's just your business's store or your business's marketplace
When you own an e-commerce store in Fornium Partner, as a business, you can either only offer your own products and services, or you can turn your store into an e-commerce store with all the products that can be found in the marketplaces. In this way, you can earn income not only from your own sector, but from any sector you want.
Have a Professional
Website Now
You can design your store however you want. By changing every part of it, you can have your dream e-commerce site.
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Please contact us so that we can serve you better.
+44 800 102 61 47 +44 800 102 61 47 [email protected]
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