Welcome to our FAQs! On this page you can find answers to the most common questions about our site. If you cannot find the answer to your question here, do not hesitate to contact us.

When you come to the "Payment Information" page for the product you ordered You can use your Tekkart points in the "Single Money Usage" line, regardless of the store you own. You can see it in the line "Tekkart Tekpara Usage". You want from the payment amount of your order You can do as much by using these points.

In stores, you can become a member by clicking the Login/Become a Supplier button on the upper right corner.

Everyone who has reached the age of 18 and has approved the contract can become a member.

You can create your membership for free to shop.

You can create multiple memberships with different phone numbers.

Your membership and personal information, your Distance Sales Agreement and Confidentiality It is not shared with third parties except for the cases specified in its policies and without your consent. Click hereto learn more about your rights regarding the Privacy Policy.

Yes. After selecting products from our stores and adding them to the cart You can do your shopping with the "Continue Without Membership" option on the page that opens.

If you have created a membership, you can access the details of your order from the My Orders tab by clicking the Login button on the website where you shop and logging into your account. If you have placed an order without creating a membership, you can access your order details by clicking the "Inquire Order" tab at the bottom of the website.

Fornium Club is a 100% domestic earning system that earns money from every spending you make with a single virtual card/application and offers the opportunity to shop from member businesses with the money earned.

Customers sign up for free. They earn from every purchase they make from national scale companies, online member businesses and contracted member businesses from every sector in every region. It is enough to say the mobile phone or ID number while shopping. Earnings are notified with an instant SMS after every purchase.

It is the earning point that customers earn 1% from each purchase they make from Fornium Partner stores and can be used for any purchase they want. Earnings from Fornium Club member merchants are also called “Fornium Club Points” and they can be used for their purchases in your store or in their stores.

After logging in with the username and password in the stores, click on the “My Cards” tab in the My Account menu. When you activate the "Fornium Club" section, you can now use your Fornium Club Points for shopping in stores.

The order can be canceled before the supplier approves the product. After the supplier approves and ships the product, it is no longer possible to cancel and return it.

For the orders you place from the stores, the "Cancel" button becomes active in the "My Orders" section. If you cancel until the product has been approved by the supplier and shipped, your order will be cancelled. The supplier receives a message that it has been cancelled. Your payment will be refunded to you.

Opening your online store, with the products ready, with the technical, legal, payment and cargo infrastructure ready, is 12.000,00 TL with a one-time payment. This amount may change in line with annual inflation.

Annual renewal fee, which includes server and hosting service, server maintenance service and SSL security services, is 490 TL.

The store dealer, who introduces the system to you, can make your store purchase immediately. Or you can buy your store by clicking the "Buy" button on our Fornium Club page.

Once you have your online store, you can change its design as you wish. For this, the necessary videos are presented in the Academy section of your administration panel.

Watch the video. Order and shipping process

Yes. You can register free customers to your store. Watch the video. How to register a free customer?

The commission and cashing points (this is a revenue share) are subject to income tax withholding for our non-permanent taxpayers. The company withholds 20% income tax from these payments during the payment, declares it to the tax office with a concise declaration and makes the payment.

Yes. In your store, you can sell the products of all suppliers and even go to the restrictions you want.

Yes. Even without your own product, you can sell products from all sectors that are ready for you in the system, and you can profit from each sale.

Yes. You can list only your own products by editing the "My Store Information" section presented in the panel presented to you.

Yes. You can decide which products to sell by making the necessary selections in the "My Store Information" section of your panel.

Store dealers that include a supplier in the system, obtained from the products sold in stores and min. 3% is income.

It is the income that the store owners earn from each product sold in their stores, ranging from 2% to 50%.

Since foreign currency-based payments can be received from abroad, it depends on the suppliers' ability to send products abroad, their capacity, e-export and the necessary documents.

The order of the product sold in your store is sent to the relevant supplier by the system. The supplier is responsible for preparing and shipping the product and issuing the invoice.

Opening your online store, with the products ready, with the technical, legal, payment and cargo infrastructure ready, is 12.000,00 TL with a one-time payment. This amount may change according to the annual inflation rate.

Yes. As a reseller, you also have store sales authority. From each sale, you earn between 20% and 40%, depending on performance.

After entering the "STORE" section on the Fornium Club page, you can start your dealership by clicking on the "Become a Supplier" section.

You have the authority to sell stores. You earn between 20% and 40% of your every store sale. Your sales premium increases based on performance. You can sell with the link. You will also have privileges such as selling with a link that will facilitate your sales.

You can make a store sale using the link in the My Store>My Store Information section in your panel. For this, watch the video How to Add StoreSales and Suppliers with Link.

Suppliers join the system free of charge.

Suppliers list their products for free.

The commission fee to be deducted from the products sold is min. It is 12%. Suppliers can adjust their Commission rates from the panel provided to them.

Let the store that includes you in the system, the dealer makes your login process easily. Or you can easily become a supplier by clicking the "Become a Supplier" button on our Fornium Club page. Watch the video. How to Add Supplier Company?

In your Supplier Management Panel provided to you, the infrastructure where you can enter products is ready. Watch the video. How to enter product?

In your Supplier Management Panel provided to you, the infrastructure where you can enter opportunities is ready. Watch the video. How to enter opportunity?

You can unpublish an entry by revoking its duration without waiting for the deadline for an opportunity to expire. Since the opportunities that you will unpublish will not be deleted from the system, you can later re-publish the opportunity by changing the content and duration of the opportunity from the opportunity management section of your panel.

Yes. You can do it from the "XML Bulk Product Addition" tab in your Supplier Management Panel. Watch the video. How to batch product entry with XML?

Yes. You can do it from the "XML Bulk Product Update" tab in your Supplier Management Panel. Watch the video. How to batch product update with XML?

Yes. You can bulk upload products using the API provided to you.

Yes. You can enter the variations for the product you selected from the "Product Management" tab in your Supplier Management Panel. Watch the video. How to enter product variants (options)?

No. Your product/products that you publish on the Storenolsun marketplace will only be published on e-commerce sites using the Storenolsun infrastructure and will not be broadcast on other marketplaces.

Yes. If you are a supplier with a store, you can create it from the "Store Design" tab in your Supplier Management Panel. Watch the video. How do you create your own categories?

Tedarikçi panelinizdeki, Tedarikçi>Kobi Prim Oranı Güncellesekmesinden güncelleyebilirsiniz. Seçtiğiniz bazı ürünlerin komisyon oranlarının güncellemesini, panelinizdeki “Ürün Yönetimi” sekmesindeki “Toplu Prim Güncelleme” butonu ile giriş yaparak tamamlayabilirsiniz.
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